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HyperMiner: Topic Taxonomy Mining with Hyperbolic Embedding

Yi.shi Xu · Dongsheng Wang · Bo Chen · Ruiying Lu · Zhibin Duan · Mingyuan Zhou

Keywords: [ hyperbolic embedding ] [ hierarchical topic modeling ] [ knowledge incorporation ]


Embedded topic models are able to learn interpretable topics even with large and heavy-tailed vocabularies. However, they generally hold the Euclidean embedding space assumption, leading to a basic limitation in capturing hierarchical relations. To this end, we present a novel framework that introduces hyperbolic embeddings to represent words and topics. With the tree-likeness property of hyperbolic space, the underlying semantic hierarchy among words and topics can be better exploited to mine more interpretable topics. Furthermore, due to the superiority of hyperbolic geometry in representing hierarchical data, tree-structure knowledge can also be naturally injected to guide the learning of a topic hierarchy. Therefore, we further develop a regularization term based on the idea of contrastive learning to inject prior structural knowledge efficiently. Experiments on both topic taxonomy discovery and document representation demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves improved performance against existing embedded topic models.

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