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Multiway clustering via tensor block models

Miaoyan Wang · Yuchen Zeng

East Exhibition Hall B + C #98

Keywords: [ Applications ] [ Matrix and Tensor Factorization ] [ Frequentist Statistics ] [ Algorithms -> Clustering; Theory ]


We consider the problem of identifying multiway block structure from a large noisy tensor. Such problems arise frequently in applications such as genomics, recommendation system, topic modeling, and sensor network localization. We propose a tensor block model, develop a unified least-square estimation, and obtain the theoretical accuracy guarantees for multiway clustering. The statistical convergence of the estimator is established, and we show that the associated clustering procedure achieves partition consistency. A sparse regularization is further developed for identifying important blocks with elevated means. The proposal handles a broad range of data types, including binary, continuous, and hybrid observations. Through simulation and application to two real datasets, we demonstrate the outperformance of our approach over previous methods.

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