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Neural Shuffle-Exchange Networks - Sequence Processing in O(n log n) Time

Karlis Freivalds · Emīls Ozoliņš · Agris Šostaks

East Exhibition Hall B + C #131

Keywords: [ Deep Learning ] [ Applications -> Natural Language Processing; Applications -> Program Understanding and Generation; Deep Learning ] [ Attention M ]


A key requirement in sequence to sequence processing is the modeling of long range dependencies. To this end, a vast majority of the state-of-the-art models use attention mechanism which is of O(n^2) complexity that leads to slow execution for long sequences.

We introduce a new Shuffle-Exchange neural network model for sequence to sequence tasks which have O(log n) depth and O(n log n) total complexity. We show that this model is powerful enough to infer efficient algorithms for common algorithmic benchmarks including sorting, addition and multiplication. We evaluate our architecture on the challenging LAMBADA question answering dataset and compare it with the state-of-the-art models which use attention. Our model achieves competitive accuracy and scales to sequences with more than a hundred thousand of elements.

We are confident that the proposed model has the potential for building more efficient architectures for processing large interrelated data in language modeling, music generation and other application domains.

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