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Correlation clustering with local objectives

Sanchit Kalhan · Konstantin Makarychev · Timothy Zhou

East Exhibition Hall B + C #30

Keywords: [ Algorithms ] [ Combinatorial Optimization ] [ Algorithms -> Clustering; Optimization ]


Correlation Clustering is a powerful graph partitioning model that aims to cluster items based on the notion of similarity between items. An instance of the Correlation Clustering problem consists of a graph G (not necessarily complete) whose edges are labeled by a binary classifier as similar and dissimilar. Classically, we are tasked with producing a clustering that minimizes the number of disagreements: an edge is in disagreement if it is a similar edge and is present across clusters or if it is a dissimilar edge and is present within a cluster. Define the disagreements vector to be an n dimensional vector indexed by the vertices, where the v-th index is the number of disagreements at vertex v.

Recently, Puleo and Milenkovic (ICML '16) initiated the study of the Correlation Clustering framework in which the objectives were more general functions of the disagreements vector. In this paper, we study algorithms for minimizing \ellq norms (q >= 1) of the disagreements vector for both arbitrary and complete graphs. We present the first known algorithm for minimizing the \ellq norm of the disagreements vector on arbitrary graphs and also provide an improved algorithm for minimizing the \ell_q norm (q >= 1) of the disagreements vector on complete graphs. We also study an alternate cluster-wise local objective introduced by Ahmadi, Khuller and Saha (IPCO '19), which aims to minimize the maximum number of disagreements associated with a cluster. We present an improved (2 + \eps) approximation algorithm for this objective.

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