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Adversarial Examples Make Strong Poisons

Liam Fowl · Micah Goldblum · Ping-yeh Chiang · Jonas Geiping · Wojciech Czaja · Tom Goldstein

Keywords: [ Machine Learning ] [ Robustness ] [ Adversarial Robustness and Security ]


The adversarial machine learning literature is largely partitioned into evasion attacks on testing data and poisoning attacks on training data. In this work, we show that adversarial examples, originally intended for attacking pre-trained models, are even more effective for data poisoning than recent methods designed specifically for poisoning. In fact, adversarial examples with labels re-assigned by the crafting network remain effective for training, suggesting that adversarial examples contain useful semantic content, just with the "wrong" labels (according to a network, but not a human). Our method, adversarial poisoning, is substantially more effective than existing poisoning methods for secure dataset release, and we release a poisoned version of ImageNet, ImageNet-P, to encourage research into the strength of this form of data obfuscation.

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