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Reservoir Computing meets Recurrent Kernels and Structured Transforms

Jonathan Dong, Ruben Ohana, Mushegh Rafayelyan, Florent Krzakala

Oral presentation: Orals & Spotlights Track 18: Deep Learning
on Wed, Dec 9th, 2020 @ 14:15 – 14:30 GMT
Poster Session 4 (more posters)
on Wed, Dec 9th, 2020 @ 17:00 – 19:00 GMT
Abstract: Reservoir Computing is a class of simple yet efficient Recurrent Neural Networks where internal weights are fixed at random and only a linear output layer is trained. In the large size limit, such random neural networks have a deep connection with kernel methods. Our contributions are threefold: a) We rigorously establish the recurrent kernel limit of Reservoir Computing and prove its convergence. b) We test our models on chaotic time series prediction, a classic but challenging benchmark in Reservoir Computing, and show how the Recurrent Kernel is competitive and computationally efficient when the number of data points remains moderate. c) When the number of samples is too large, we leverage the success of structured Random Features for kernel approximation by introducing Structured Reservoir Computing. The two proposed methods, Recurrent Kernel and Structured Reservoir Computing, turn out to be much faster and more memory-efficient than conventional Reservoir Computing.

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