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Working hard to know your neighbor's margins: Local descriptor learning loss

Anastasiia Mishchuk · Dmytro Mishkin · Filip Radenovic · Jiri Matas

Pacific Ballroom #96

Keywords: [ Supervised Deep Networks ] [ Computer Vision ] [ Embedding Approaches ]


We introduce a loss for metric learning, which is inspired by the Lowe's matching criterion for SIFT. We show that the proposed loss, that maximizes the distance between the closest positive and closest negative example in the batch, is better than complex regularization methods; it works well for both shallow and deep convolution network architectures. Applying the novel loss to the L2Net CNN architecture results in a compact descriptor named HardNet. It has the same dimensionality as SIFT (128) and shows state-of-art performance in wide baseline stereo, patch verification and instance retrieval benchmarks.

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