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(6 events)   Timezone: America/Los_Angeles  
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Mon Dec 12 12:30 AM -- 02:30 AM (PST) @ Manuel de Falla
Linear Programming Relaxations for Graphical Models
Amir Globerson · Tommi Jaakkola
Mon Dec 12 12:30 AM -- 02:30 AM (PST) @ Andulucia II & III
Flexible, Multivariate Point Process Models for Unlocking the Neural Code
Jonathan W Pillow
Mon Dec 12 03:00 AM -- 05:00 AM (PST) @ Andulucia II & III
Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithms for Inference in Natural Language Processing
Alexander Rush · Michael Collins
Mon Dec 12 03:00 AM -- 05:00 AM (PST) @ Manuel de Falla
Modern Bayesian Nonparametrics
Peter Orbanz · Yee Whye Teh
Mon Dec 12 07:00 AM -- 09:00 AM (PST) @ Manuel de Falla
Information Theory in Learning and Control
Naftali Tishby
Mon Dec 12 07:00 AM -- 09:00 AM (PST) @ Andulucia II & III
Graphical Models for the Internet
Amr Ahmed · Alexander Smola