Call for Participation in NeurIPS 2020 Expo
NeurIPS is soliciting applications for the EXPO from not-for-profit organizations and from sponsors at the Platinum, Gold, and Silver levels. The NeurIPS 2021 EXPO is a multitrack, interdisciplinary section of the conference focused on ideas being developed in an industrial context.
Talks, panels, demonstrations, workshops, and active trainings will be held on Sun, Dec 6, 2020, the day before the NeurIPS 2020 main conference tutorials.
Not-for-profit organisations will need to provide evidence of your not-for-profit status and any statements of your public interest-purpose alongside your application.
For sponsors of NeurIPS 2021 at the Platinum, Gold, or Silver level your entire team listed in your sponsor portal section 11 has read/write access to this application.
You may submit multiple applications. Submission of an application does not assure acceptance. Applications will be reviewed by the EXPO curatorial team with an eye toward creating a day of programming for attendees that represents a diversity of thought and organizations. The EXPO is not an appropriate place for purely sales or marketing content.
Applications will close on Oct 16, 2020 and all final decisions will go out by October 21st.
The EXPO is focused on placing the foundational ideas that are being developed in the industrial sections of the fields represented at NeurIPS in a real-world context. The following are the tenants of the EXPO:
- Represent what is taking place in field of AIML research and application globally.
- Reflect and explore the practical challenges of implementing and deploying AI in the real world.
- Help the practitioner community gain a wider perspective on the context in which algorithms are being used.
- Present attendees technically useful ideas and actionable thought leadership from an industrial perspective.
If desired, organizations whose applications are successful may contact Mary Ellen Perry for additional content or design support. All presentations should be pre-recorded followed by a live Q&A. SlidesLive will work with you to upload your video. Live presentations are allowed and the entire presentation is one hour.
For not-for-profit organisations the first step is to fill out our sponsor application. The applicaton will open in a separate window. You only need to fill out and save section 3. After you save section 3, close the window. Click sponsorship application, then use one of the blue buttons below to submit your proposal for a talk, demo or workhshop.
Call for Talks and Panel Discussions
A talk takes up one 50-minute slot in which one speaker may deliver a talk accompanied by slides, followed with Q&A.
A Panel takes up one 50-minute slot in which up to four guests hold a professionally moderated public conversation.
We invite sponsors to submit proposals for talks and panels on topics that are relevant to the NeurIPS community. Submissions will be evaluated on their general interest, potential impact, timeliness, and relevance to the tennants of the EXPO.
Call for Demonstrations
A three hour slot in which one product, model, or a approach is demonstrated for the attendees.
NeurIPS Expo demonstration organizers are responsible for submitting a proposal, preparing the demonstration and overseeing the demonstration.
The goal of NeurIPS Expo demonstrations is to provide NeurIPS participants with the opportunity to hear and observe leading edge technology and interact with the sponsors.
Demonstrations must show novel technology and must run live. Unlike talks or panels, live action and interaction with the audience are critical elements.
Call for Workshops and Active Trainings
Up to 1 1/2 hours slot in which a body of content is presented around a larger theme or idea. Meant to reflect the spirit of the workshops presented at NeurIPS, EXPO workshops should include a variety of speakers and interactions with the attennding audience.
Active Training
1 1/2 hours slot focused on imparting actionable information or skills to the attendees. This should be considered hands on. Participants should leave with a newly acquired actionable skill.
NeurIPS Workshop and Active Training organizers are responsible for coordinating workshop participation and content, publicizing and providing the program in a timely manner and moderating the program throughout the workshop.
The goal of the EXPO Workshops and Active Trainings is to provide NeurIPS participants with the opportunity to hear and discuss important new research directions and opportunities in industry. Controversial issues, open problems, and comparisons of competing approaches are encouraged as Workshop and Active Training topics.