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Competition: Competition Track Day 4: Overviews + Breakout Sessions

AI Driving Olympics + Q&A

Andrea Censi · Liam Paull · Jacopo Tani · Emilio Frazzoli · Holger Caesar · Matthew Walter · Andrea Daniele · Sahika Genc · Sharada Mohanty


The AI Driving Olympics (AI-DO) is a series of embodied intelligence competitions in the field of autonomous vehicles. The overall objective of AI-DO is to provide accessible mechanisms for benchmarking progress in autonomy applied to the task of autonomous driving. This edition of the AI-DO features three different leagues: (a) urban driving, based on the Duckietown platform; (b) advanced perception, based on the Motional nuScenes dataset; and (c) racing, based on the AWS Deepracer platform. Each league has several “challenges" with independent leaderboards. The urban driving and racing leagues include embodied tasks, where agents are deployed on physical robots in addition to simulation.