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Douwe Kiela · Marco Ciccone · Barbara Caputo

The program includes a wide variety of exciting competitions in different domains, with some focusing more on applications and others trying to unify fields, focusing on technical challenges or directly tackling important problems in the world. The aim is for the broad program to make it so that anyone who wants to work on or learn from a competition can find something to their liking.

In this session, we have the following competitions:
* The Open Catalyst Challenge
* The Robustness and Uncertainty under Real-World Distributional Shifts Challenge
* VisDA21: Visual Domain Adaptation
* HEAR 2021: Holistic Evaluation of Audio Representations
* The WebQA Competition
* Diamond: A MineRL Competition on Training Sample-Efficient Agents

Douwe Kiela · Marco Ciccone · Barbara Caputo

The program includes a wide variety of exciting competitions in different domains, with some focusing more on applications and others trying to unify fields, focusing on technical challenges or directly tackling important problems in the world. The aim is for the broad program to make it so that anyone who wants to work on or learn from a competition can find something to their liking.

In this session, we have the following competitions:
* Learning By Doing: Controlling a Dynamical System using Control Theory, Reinforcement Learning, or Causality
* Reconnaissance Blind Chess
* Real Robot Challenge II
* The Billion-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Challenge
* MetaDL: Few Shot Learning Competition with Novel Datasets from Practical Domains

Douwe Kiela · Marco Ciccone · Barbara Caputo

The program includes a wide variety of exciting competitions in different domains, with some focusing more on applications and others trying to unify fields, focusing on technical challenges or directly tackling important problems in the world. The aim is for the broad program to make it so that anyone who wants to work on or learn from a competition can find something to their liking.

In this session, we have the following competitions:
* Evaluating Approximate Inference in Bayesian Deep Learning
* The NetHack Challenge
* Machine Learning for Combinatorial Optimization
* Traffic4cast 2021 - Temporal and Spatial Few-Shot Transfer Learning in Traffic Map Movie Forecasting
* BASALT: A MineRL Competition on Solving Human-Judged Tasks
* IGLU: Interactive Grounded Language Understanding in a Collaborative Environment

Douwe Kiela · Marco Ciccone · Barbara Caputo

The program includes a wide variety of exciting competitions in different domains, with some focusing more on applications and others trying to unify fields, focusing on technical challenges or directly tackling important problems in the world. The aim is for the broad program to make it so that anyone who wants to work on or learn from a competition can find something to their liking.

In this session, we have the following competitions:
* The Image Similarity Challenge
* Enhanced Zero-Resource Speech Challenge 2021: Language Modelling from Speech and Images
* The BEETL Competition: Benchmarks for EEG Transfer Learning
* Multimodal Single-Cell Data Integration
* The AI Driving Olympics