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Workshop: Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving

CARLA Challenge

German Ros


The CARLA Autonomous Driving Challenge 2021 is organized as part of the Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Workshop at NeurIPS 2021. This competition is open to any participant from academia and industry. You only need to sign up on the CARLA AD Leaderboard, providing your team name and your institution.

This challenge leverages the existing CARLA AD Leaderboard platform to evaluate submissions. The main goal of the challenge remains the assessment of the driving proficiency of autonomous agents in realistic traffic situations, as defined in the leaderboard mechanics. Teams will have to complete 10 routes in 2 weather conditions through 5 repetitions, leading to a total of 173 Km of driving experiences.

The challenge follows the same structure and rules defined for the CARLA AD Leaderboard. You can participate in any of the two available tracks: SENSORS and MAP, using the canonical sensors available for the challenge.