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Workshop: Distribution shifts: connecting methods and applications (DistShift)

Con$^{2}$DA: Simplifying Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation by Learning Consistent and Contrastive Feature Representations

Manuel Perez · Guillermo Cabrera-Vives · Pavlos Protopapas

Abstract: In this work, we present Con$^{2}$DA, a simple framework that extends recent advances in semi-supervised learning to the semi-supervised domain adaptation (SSDA) problem. Our framework generates pairs of associated samples by performing stochastic data transformations to a given input. Associated data pairs are mapped to a feature representation space using a feature extractor. We use different loss functions to enforce consistency between the feature representations of associated data pairs of samples. We show that these learned representations are useful to deal with differences in data distributions in the domain adaptation problem. We performed experiments to study the main components of our model and we show that (i) learning of the consistent and contrastive feature representations is crucial to extract good discriminative features across different domains, and ii) our model benefits from the use of strong augmentation policies. With these findings, our method achieves state-of-the-art performances in three benchmark datasets for SSDA.

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