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Workshop: 6th Robot Learning Workshop: Pretraining, Fine-Tuning, and Generalization with Large Scale Models

DINOBot: Robot Manipulation via Retrieval and Alignment with Vision Foundation Models

Norman Di Palo · Edward Johns

Keywords: [ imitation learning ] [ vision foundation models ]


We propose DINOBot, a novel imitation learning framework for robot manipulation, which leverages the image-level and pixel-level capabilities of features extracted from Vision Transformers trained with DINO. When interacting with a novel object, DINOBot first uses these features to retrieve the most visually similar object experienced during human demonstrations, and then uses this object to align its end-effector with the novel object to enable effective interaction. Through a series of real-world experiments on everyday tasks, we show that exploiting both the image-level and pixel-level properties of vision foundation models enables unprecedented learning efficiency and generalisation. Videos and code are available at

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