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Workshop: Agent Learning in Open-Endedness Workshop

Mix-ME: Quality-Diversity for Multi-Agent Learning

GarĂ°ar Ingvarsson Juto · Mikayel Samvelyan · Manon Flageat · Bryan Lim · Antoine Cully · Tim Rocktäschel

Keywords: [ Neuroevolution ] [ MAP-Elites ] [ quality-diversity ] [ Multi-Agent Learning ]


In many real-world systems, such as adaptive robotics, achieving a single, optimised solution may be insufficient. Instead, a diverse set of high-performing solutions is often required to adapt to varying contexts and requirements. This is the realm of Quality-Diversity (QD), which aims to discover a collection of high-performing solutions, each with their own unique characteristics. QD methods have recently seen success in many domains, including robotics, where they have been used to discover damage-adaptive locomotion controllers. However, most existing work has focused on single-agent settings, despite many tasks of interest being multi-agent. To this end, we introduce Mix-ME, a novel multi-agent variant of the popular MAP-Elites algorithm that forms new solutions using a crossover-like operator by mixing together agents from different teams. We evaluate the proposed methods on a variety of partially observable continuous control tasks. Our evaluation shows that these multi-agent variants obtained by Mix-ME not only compete with single-agent baselines but also often outperform them in multi-agent settings under partial observability.

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