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Workshop: Learning-Based Solutions for Inverse Problems

How Good Are Deep Generative Models for Solving Inverse Problems?

Shichong Peng · Alireza Moazeni · Ke Li

Keywords: [ GAN ] [ model uncertainty ] [ output validity ] [ IMLE ] [ Inverse Problem ] [ diffusion ] [ Deep generative models ]


Deep generative models, such as diffusion models, GANs, and IMLE, have shown impressive capability in tackling inverse problems. However, the validity of model-generated solutions w.r.t. the forward process and the reliability of associated uncertainty estimates remain understudied. This study evaluates recent diffusion-based, GAN-based, and IMLE-based methods on three inverse problems, i.e., 16x super-resolution, colourization, and image decompression. We assess the validity of these models' outputs as solutions to the inverse problems and conduct a thorough analysis of the reliability of the models' estimates of uncertainty over the solution. Overall, we find that the IMLE-based CHIMLE method outperforms other methods in terms of producing valid solutions and reliable uncertainty estimates.

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