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Affinity Workshop: Global South AI

Machine Doctor: Borderline Scema Therapy using GenAI for Indian Rural women

Yashaswini Viswanath · Pavitra T · Dr Meenakshi S

Keywords: [ Generative AI ] [ Borderline Personality Disorder ] [ Scehma Based Therapy ] [ Large language models ]


Schema therapy aims to address maladaptive schemas, which can contribute to mental health conditions. The psychologist Jeffrey E. Young originally developed schema therapy to treat personality disorders, but therapists have since used it to manage a wide range of conditions .Schema therapy is a newer type of therapy that combines elements of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoanalysis, attachment theory, and emotion-focused therapy, among others.It’s an integrative approach that aims to treat personality disorders and other mental health concerns that don’t always respond to other treatment options. It can be particularly useful for treating borderline personality disorder.These therapies are not available to Countries like India where Mental Illness is a taboo. Women fear to be treated as they could be branded as mentally ill and sick. The society castigates or isolates such women from the mainstream society. The solution is to provide treatment in a discreet manner. In this abstract we are focussing on Borderline Personality disorder for which the treatment Schema Based Therapy is not available in rural areas, not can they come to the main city for treatment with the knowledge of their families. Solution proposed is a Chatbot in native languages using LLMs where the expert system has the Young Questionnaire in native languages and scores the maladaptive schemas. Once that schema is identified, information on reparenting or repairing the maladaptive schema is provided in native language. This gives them privacy from the family and also eliminates the money required to come for city for treatment. This GenAI app can be connected to mental health hospitals in metro cities and they can provide treatment if needed further. The main benefit is the information is provided in their mother tongue, native languages which help them immensely.

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