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Affinity Workshop: Global South AI

Rangoli meets Picaso: Inspirations or Hallucinations?

Yashaswini Viswanath · Dr Meenakshi S · Pavitra T

Keywords: [ Generative AI ] [ Tradition ] [ art ]


India is a land of ancient traditions and one of them is the act of cleansing the house and putting Rangoli in front of the house. More so during festivities. These have dots and lines and use creativity which we now study as graph theory. But the women who put these are adept at creating it without any formal education of Maths. Rangolis also are filled these days and take curves and objects to create an art piece on the ground with coloured flour. They create this from memory and acts as a therapy of mindfulness. This demo is to show how Rangoli from India can be viewed from a Global North angle and how the different art revolutions could possibly influence and create Rangoli. This is made possible by Stable Fusion which takes text prompts and creates images with different art styles.What are we trying to achieve here? Why should this be displayed in NeurIPS?The very act of influence is startling and amusing. This opens doors for conversations around art styles and traditions and their possibilities. An act of wonder to bewilder the mind of those who see I have attached the art pieces which can be a visual demo at the conference

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