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Muslims in ML

Sanae Lotfi · Hammaad Adam · Hadeel Al-Negheimish · Sarah Fakhoury · Razan Baltaji · Marzyeh Ghassemi · Shakir Mohamed · Aya Salama · S. M. Ali Eslami · Tasmie Sarker

Room 203 - 205


The Muslims in ML workshop seeks to promote awareness, collaboration, and the development of mitigation strategies to ensure that machine learning and artificial intelligence advancements are implemented fairly and equitably for Muslims worldwide. By bringing together a diverse range of experts and incorporating multiple perspectives and backgrounds, our workshop aims to examine the challenges and opportunities of integrating AI/ML in the lives of Muslims and those in Muslim-majority countries. The workshop's focus extends beyond religious identification, encompassing cultural association and proximity to the Muslim identity. This broad approach acknowledges the complexity and diversity within the Muslim community and emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and understanding in addressing the potential impact of AI/ML technologies.

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