H-InDex: Visual Reinforcement Learning with Hand-Informed Representations for Dexterous Manipulation
Yanjie Ze · Yanjie Ze · Yuyao Liu · Ruizhe Shi · Jiaxin Qin · Zhecheng Yuan · Jiashun Wang · Huazhe Xu
Great Hall & Hall B1+B2 (level 1) #1311
Human hands possess remarkable dexterity and have long served as a source of inspiration for robotic manipulation. In this work, we propose a human and-formed visual representation learning framework to solve difficult terous manipulation tasks () with reinforcement learning. Our framework consists of three stages: pre-training representations with 3D human hand pose estimation, offline adapting representations with self-supervised keypoint detection, and reinforcement learning with exponential moving average BatchNorm. The last two stages only modify % parameters of the pre-trained representation in total, ensuring the knowledge from pre-training is maintained to the full extent. We empirically study challenging dexterous manipulation tasks and find that largely surpasses strong baseline methods and the recent visual foundation models for motor control. Code and videos are available at .
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