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Oral Session

Oral 5B Privacy/Fairness

La Nouvelle Orleans Ballroom A-C (level 2)

Thu 14 Dec. 8:00 - 8:15 PST

Students Parrot Their Teachers: Membership Inference on Model Distillation

Matthew Jagielski · Milad Nasr · Katherine Lee · Christopher A. Choquette-Choo · Nicholas Carlini · Florian Tramer

Model distillation is frequently proposed as a technique to reduce the privacy leakage of machine learning. These empirical privacy defenses rely on the intuition that distilled student'' models protect the privacy of training data, as they only interact with this data indirectly through ateacher'' model. In this work, we design membership inference attacks to systematically study the privacy provided by knowledge distillation to both the teacher and student training sets. Our new attacks show that distillation alone provides only limited privacy across a number of domains. We explain the success of our attacks on distillation by showing that membership inference attacks on a private dataset can succeed even if the target model is never queried on any actual training points, but only on inputs whose predictions are highly influenced by training data. Finally, we show that our attacks are strongest when student and teacher sets are similar, or when the attacker can poison the teacher set.

Thu 14 Dec. 8:15 - 8:30 PST

Rethinking Bias Mitigation: Fairer Architectures Make for Fairer Face Recognition

Samuel Dooley · Rhea Sukthanker · John Dickerson · Colin White · Frank Hutter · Micah Goldblum

Face recognition systems are widely deployed in safety-critical applications, including law enforcement, yet they exhibit bias across a range of socio-demographic dimensions, such as gender and race. Conventional wisdom dictates that model biases arise from biased training data. As a consequence, previous works on bias mitigation largely focused on pre-processing the training data, adding penalties to prevent bias from effecting the model during training, or post-processing predictions to debias them, yet these approaches have shown limited success on hard problems such as face recognition. In our work, we discover that biases are actually inherent to neural network architectures themselves. Following this reframing, we conduct the first neural architecture search for fairness, jointly with a search for hyperparameters. Our search outputs a suite of models which Pareto-dominate all other high-performance architectures and existing bias mitigation methods in terms of accuracy and fairness, often by large margins, on the two most widely used datasets for face identification, CelebA and VGGFace2. Furthermore, these models generalize to other datasets and sensitive attributes. We release our code, models and raw data files at

Thu 14 Dec. 8:30 - 8:45 PST

Ethical Considerations for Responsible Data Curation

Jerone Andrews · Dora Zhao · William Thong · Apostolos Modas · Orestis Papakyriakopoulos · Alice Xiang

Human-centric computer vision (HCCV) data curation practices often neglect privacy and bias concerns, leading to dataset retractions and unfair models. HCCV datasets constructed through nonconsensual web scraping lack crucial metadata for comprehensive fairness and robustness evaluations. Current remedies are post hoc, lack persuasive justification for adoption, or fail to provide proper contextualization for appropriate application. Our research focuses on proactive, domain-specific recommendations, covering purpose, privacy and consent, and diversity, for curating HCCV evaluation datasets, addressing privacy and bias concerns. We adopt an ante hoc reflective perspective, drawing from current practices, guidelines, dataset withdrawals, and audits, to inform our considerations and recommendations.