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(14 events)   Timezone: America/Los_Angeles  
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Tue Dec 05 04:20 PM -- 04:35 PM (PST) @ Hall C
A Linear-Time Kernel Goodness-of-Fit Test
Wittawat Jitkrittum · Wenkai Xu · Zoltan Szabo · Kenji Fukumizu · Arthur Gretton
Tue Dec 05 04:35 PM -- 04:50 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Generalization Properties of Learning with Random Features
Alessandro Rudi · Lorenzo Rosasco
Tue Dec 05 04:50 PM -- 05:05 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Communication-Efficient Distributed Learning of Discrete Distributions
Ilias Diakonikolas · Elena Grigorescu · Jerry Li · Abhiram Natarajan · Krzysztof Onak · Ludwig Schmidt
Tue Dec 05 05:05 PM -- 05:10 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Posterior sampling for reinforcement learning: worst-case regret bounds
Shipra Agrawal · Randy Jia
Tue Dec 05 05:10 PM -- 05:15 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Regret Analysis for Continuous Dueling Bandit
Wataru Kumagai
Tue Dec 05 05:15 PM -- 05:20 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Minimal Exploration in Structured Stochastic Bandits
Richard Combes · Stefan Magureanu · Alexandre Proutiere
Tue Dec 05 05:20 PM -- 05:25 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Fast Rates for Bandit Optimization with Upper-Confidence Frank-Wolfe
Quentin Berthet · Vianney Perchet
Tue Dec 05 05:25 PM -- 05:30 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Diving into the shallows: a computational perspective on large-scale shallow learning
SIYUAN MA · Mikhail Belkin
Tue Dec 05 05:30 PM -- 05:35 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Monte-Carlo Tree Search by Best Arm Identification
Emilie Kaufmann · Wouter Koolen
Tue Dec 05 05:35 PM -- 05:40 PM (PST) @ Hall C
A framework for Multi-A(rmed)/B(andit) Testing with Online FDR Control
Fanny Yang · Aaditya Ramdas · Kevin Jamieson · Martin Wainwright
Tue Dec 05 05:40 PM -- 05:45 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Parameter-Free Online Learning via Model Selection
Dylan J Foster · Satyen Kale · Mehryar Mohri · Karthik Sridharan
Tue Dec 05 05:45 PM -- 05:50 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Bregman Divergence for Stochastic Variance Reduction: Saddle-Point and Adversarial Prediction
Zhan Shi · Xinhua Zhang · Yaoliang Yu
Tue Dec 05 05:50 PM -- 05:55 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Gaussian Quadrature for Kernel Features
Tri Dao · Christopher M De Sa · Christopher RĂ©
Tue Dec 05 05:55 PM -- 06:00 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Online Learning of Linear Dynamical Systems
Elad Hazan · Karan Singh · Cyril Zhang