NeurIPS 2024 Poster Information
If you don't see your papers listed in your MyStuff page check this Wiki page.
Poster Templates
- Poster templates are available here
Virtual Poster and Paper Thumbnails
- Upload your virtual poster and paper thumbnail here
- Workshop posters will not appear untill the workshop organizers add the poster to their workshop schedule.
- There is no deadline, but we strongly recommend that you upload your poster at least week before the conference so it is availble to attendees
Change Poster Session
- See this wiki page for instructions on the self service poster session selection
- For main conference papers
- Update the topic for your posters. Select the best fit topic area. For more details see Poster Topics. The deadline is Nov 15. The date PosterPresentationDetails not found..
SlidesLive Recording
- Recording a video is strongly recommedned but not required
- To find your SlidesLive Recording link for your poster go to your MyStuff page and look Presentation History
Poster Board Sizes
Main Conference
- The bulletin boards are 8 feet (96 inches) wide x 4 feet (48 inches) high
- You poster can be any size as long as it fits on the poster board
- Posters will be taped to the wall with provided painters tape only.
- Posters need to be on light weight paper.
- Please make your posters 24W x 36H inches
Poster Printing
- You can use any service you want to print your poster.
- We offer a optional poster printing service.
- JOB Name: On the form JOB NAME; is a descriptive name to identify your project or poster. i.e. paper title
- Recommended resolution: 100 DPI at the size of your poster
- Formats accepted: pdf, jpg, tiff, png
- For support contact 866-414-6967
Poster Pickup
- Monday to Friday 9am to 6:30pm PST
- Saturday and Sunday 7:30am to noon PST