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Byzantine Stochastic Gradient Descent

Dan Alistarh · Zeyuan Allen-Zhu · Jerry Li

Room 517 AB #164

Keywords: [ Learning Theory ] [ Online Learning ]

Abstract: This paper studies the problem of distributed stochastic optimization in an adversarial setting where, out of $m$ machines which allegedly compute stochastic gradients every iteration, an $\alpha$-fraction are Byzantine, and may behave adversarially. Our main result is a variant of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) which finds $\varepsilon$-approximate minimizers of convex functions in $T = \tilde{O}\big( \frac{1}{\varepsilon^2 m} + \frac{\alpha^2}{\varepsilon^2} \big)$ iterations. In contrast, traditional mini-batch SGD needs $T = O\big( \frac{1}{\varepsilon^2 m} \big)$ iterations, but cannot tolerate Byzantine failures. Further, we provide a lower bound showing that, up to logarithmic factors, our algorithm is information-theoretically optimal both in terms of sample complexity and time complexity.

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