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DTWNet: a Dynamic Time Warping Network

Xingyu Cai · Tingyang Xu · Jinfeng Yi · Junzhou Huang · Sanguthevar Rajasekaran

East Exhibition Hall B + C #103

Keywords: [ Applications ] [ Time Series Analysis ] [ Embedding Approaches ] [ Algorithms -> Similarity and Distance Learning; Algorithms -> Stochastic Methods; Deep Learning ]


Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is widely used as a similarity measure in various domains. Due to its invariance against warping in the time axis, DTW provides more meaningful discrepancy measurements between two signals than other dis- tance measures. In this paper, we propose a novel component in an artificial neural network. In contrast to the previous successful usage of DTW as a loss function, the proposed framework leverages DTW to obtain a better feature extraction. For the first time, the DTW loss is theoretically analyzed, and a stochastic backpropogation scheme is proposed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the DTW learning. We also demonstrate that the proposed framework can be used as a data analysis tool to perform data decomposition.

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