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Complexity Lower Bounds for Nonconvex-Strongly-Concave Min-Max Optimization

Haochuan Li · Yi Tian · Jingzhao Zhang · Ali Jadbabaie

Keywords: [ Optimization ]

Abstract: We provide a first-order oracle complexity lower bound for finding stationary points of min-max optimization problems where the objective function is smooth, nonconvex in the minimization variable, and strongly concave in the maximization variable. We establish a lower bound of Ω(κϵ2) for deterministic oracles, where ϵ defines the level of approximate stationarity and κ is the condition number. Our lower bound matches the best existing upper bound in the ϵ and κ dependence up to logarithmic factors. For stochastic oracles, we provide a lower bound of Ω(κϵ2+κ1/3ϵ4). It suggests that there is a gap between the best existing upper bound O(κ3ϵ4) and our lower bound in the condition number dependence.

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