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Workshop: Information-Theoretic Principles in Cognitive Systems (InfoCog)

Learning Causally Emergent Representations

Christos Kaplanis · Pedro A.M Mediano · Fernando Rosas


Cognitive processes usually take place at a macroscopic scale in systems characterised by emergent properties, which make the whole `more than the sum of its parts.' While recent proposals have provided quantitative, information-theoretic metrics to detect emergence in time series data, it is often highly non-trivial to identify the relevant macroscopic variables a priori. In this paper we leverage recent advances in representation learning and differentiable information estimators to put forward a data-driven method to find emergent variables. The proposed method successfully detects emergent variables and recovers the ground-truth emergence values in a synthetic dataset. This proof-of-concept paves the ground for future analyses uncovering the emergent structure of cognitive representations in biological and artificial intelligence systems.

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