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Workshop: AI for Accelerated Materials Design (AI4Mat-2023)

Enhancing Extrapolation in Materials Science through Contrastive Learning of Chemical Compositions

Federico Ottomano · Giovanni De Felice · Rahul Savani · Vladimir Gusev · Matthew Rosseinsky

Keywords: [ graph neural networks ] [ contrastive learning ] [ extrapolation ] [ property prediction ] [ chemical compositions ]


Practical applications of machine learning for materials discovery aimed at concrete industrial applications remain severely limited by the quantity and quality of the available data. Furthermore, little is known about the ability of machine learning models to extrapolate outside the training distribution, which is essential for the discovery of compounds with extraordinary properties. To address these challenges, we develop a novel deep representation learning framework for chemical compositions.The proposed model, named COmpositional eMBedding NETwork (CombNet), combines recent developments in graph-based encoding of chemical compositions with a supervised contrastive learning approach.This is motivated by the observation that contrastive learning can produce a regularized representation space from raw data, offering empirical benefits for extrapolation and low-data scenarios. Moreover, our method harnesses exclusively the chemical composition of the underlying materials, as structure is generally unavailable before the material is discovered.We demonstrate the effectiveness of CombNet over state-of-the-art methods under a bespoke evaluation scheme that simulates a realistic materials discovery scenario with experimental data.

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