AI for Accelerated Materials Design (AI4Mat-2023)
Santiago Miret 路 Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling 路 Jennifer Wei 路 Vineeth Venugopal 路 Marta Skreta 路 N M Anoop Krishnan
Room 228 - 230
Fri 15 Dec, 6:15 a.m. PST
The AI for Accelerated Materials Discovery (AI4Mat) Workshop 2023 provides an inclusive and collaborative platform where AI researchers and material scientists converge to tackle the cutting-edge challenges in AI-driven materials discovery and development. Our goal is to foster a vibrant exchange of ideas, breaking down barriers between disciplines and encouraging insightful discussions among experts from diverse disciplines and curious newcomers to the field. The workshop embraces a broad definition of materials design encompassing matter in various forms, such as crystalline and amorphous solid-state materials, glasses, molecules, nanomaterials, and devices. By taking a comprehensive look at automated materials discovery spanning AI-guided design, synthesis and automated material characterization, we hope to create an opportunity for deep, thoughtful discussion among researchers working on these interdisciplinary topics, and highlight ongoing challenges in the field.
Fri 6:15 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.
Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks
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Santiago Miret 路 Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling 路 Jennifer Wei 路 Vineeth Venugopal 路 Marta Skreta 路 N M Anoop Krishnan 馃敆 |
Fri 6:30 a.m. - 6:45 a.m.
Sim2Mat Lightning Talk - Rama Vasudevan
Invited Talk
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Rama K Vasudevan 馃敆 |
Fri 6:45 a.m. - 7:00 a.m.
Sim2Mat Lightning Talk - Maria Chan
Invited Talk
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Maria Chan 馃敆 |
Fri 7:00 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.
Sim2Mat Lightning Talk - Vijay Narasimhan
Invited Talk
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Vijay Narasimhan 馃敆 |
Fri 7:15 a.m. - 7:40 a.m.
Sim2Mat Lightning Talk Panel
Panel Q&A
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Rama K Vasudevan 路 Maria Chan 路 Vijay Narasimhan 馃敆 |
Fri 7:40 a.m. - 7:50 a.m.
MatSciML: A Broad, Multi-Task Benchmark for Solid-State Materials Modeling
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Kin Long Kelvin Lee 路 Carmelo Gonzales 路 Marcel Nassar 路 Matthew Spellings 路 Michael Galkin 路 Santiago Miret 馃敆 |
Fri 7:50 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Investigating extrapolation and low-data challenges via contrastive learning of chemical compositions
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Federico Ottomano 路 Giovanni De Felice 路 Rahul Savani 路 Vladimir Gusev 路 Matthew Rosseinsky 馃敆 |
Fri 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Coffee Break
馃敆 |
Fri 8:30 a.m. - 8:40 a.m.
Exploring Organic Syntheses through Natural Language
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Andres M Bran 路 Cheng-Hua Huang 路 Philippe Schwaller 馃敆 |
Fri 8:40 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.
ExPT: Synthetic Pretraining for Few-Shot Experimental Design
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Tung Nguyen 路 Sudhanshu Agrawal 路 Aditya Grover 馃敆 |
Fri 8:50 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Accelerated Sampling of Rare Events using a Neural Network Bias Potential
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Xinru Hua 路 Rasool Ahmad 路 Jose Blanchet 路 Wei Cai 馃敆 |
Fri 9:00 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.
Learning Silicon Dopant Transitions in Graphene using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
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11 presentersMax Schwarzer 路 Jesse Farebrother 路 Joshua Greaves 路 Kevin Roccapriore 路 Ekin Dogus Cubuk 路 Rishabh Agarwal 路 Aaron Courville 路 Marc Bellemare 路 Sergei Kalinin 路 Igor Mordatch 路 Pablo Samuel Castro |
Fri 9:10 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
Message Passing Neural Network for Predicting Dipole Moment Dependent Core Electron Excitation Spectra
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Kiyou Shibata 路 Teruyasu Mizoguchi 馃敆 |
Fri 9:20 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Reflection-Equivariant Diffusion for 3D Structure Determination from Isotopologue Rotational Spectra in Natural Abundance
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Austin Cheng 路 Alston Lo 路 Santiago Miret 路 Brooks Pate 路 Alan Aspuru-Guzik 馃敆 |
Fri 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Emerald Cloud Labs Keynote - Jason Wallace
Invited Talk
Jason Wallace 馃敆 |
Fri 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Poster Session
Poster Session
馃敆 |
Fri 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Fireside Chat on LLMs for Materials Design
Fireside Chat
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Andrew White 路 Gowoon Cheon 路 Gabe Gomes 馃敆 |
Fri 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Coffee Break
馃敆 |
Fri 1:30 p.m. - 1:40 p.m.
Fine-Tuned Language Models Generate Stable Inorganic Materials as Text
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Nate Gruver 路 Anuroop Sriram 路 Andrea Madotto 路 Andrew Wilson 路 Larry Zitnick 路 Zachary Ulissi 馃敆 |
Fri 1:40 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.
HoneyBee: Progressive Instruction Finetuning of Large Language Models for Materials Science
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Yu Song 路 Santiago Miret 路 Huan Zhang 路 Bang Liu 馃敆 |
Fri 1:50 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Capturing Formulation Design of Battery Electrolytes with Chemical Large Language Model
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Eduardo Soares 路 Vidushi Sharma 路 Emilio Vital Brazil 路 Renato Cerqueira 路 Young-Hye Na 馃敆 |
Fri 2:00 p.m. - 2:10 p.m.
Scalable Diffusion for Materials Generation
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Sherry Yang 路 KwangHwan Cho 路 Amil Merchant 路 Pieter Abbeel 路 Dale Schuurmans 路 Igor Mordatch 路 Ekin Dogus Cubuk 馃敆 |
Fri 2:10 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Discovery of Novel Reticular Materials for Carbon Dioxide Capture using GFlowNets
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Flaviu Cipcigan 路 Jonathan Booth 路 Rodrigo Neumann Barros Ferreira 路 Carine Dos Santos 路 Mathias Steiner 馃敆 |
Fri 2:20 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Graph-to-String Variational Autoencoder for Synthetic Polymer Design
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Gabriel Vogel 路 Paolo Sortino 路 Jana M. Weber 馃敆 |
Fri 2:30 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Crystal-GFN: sampling materials with desirable properties and constraints
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Mistal 路 Alex Hernandez-Garcia 路 Alexandra Volokhova 路 ALEXANDRE DUVAL 路 Yoshua Bengio 路 Divya Sharma 路 Pierre Luc Carrier 路 Micha艂 Koziarski 路 Victor Schmidt 馃敆 |
Fri 2:40 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
EGraFFBench: Evaluation of Equivariant Graph Neural Network Force Fields for Atomistic Simulations
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Vaibhav Bihani 路 UTKARSH PRATIUSH 路 Sajid Mannan 路 Tao Du 路 Zhimin Chen 路 Santiago Miret 路 Matthieu Micoulaut 路 Morten Smedskjaer 路 Sayan Ranu 路 N M Anoop Krishnan 馃敆 |
Fri 2:50 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Machine learning force field ranking of candidate solid electrolyte interphase structures in Li-ion batteries
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James Stevenson 馃敆 |
Fri 3:00 p.m. - 3:10 p.m.
Learning Interatomic Potentials at Multiple Scales
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Xiang Fu 路 Albert Musaelian 路 Anders Johansson 路 Tommi Jaakkola 路 Boris Kozinsky 馃敆 |
Fri 3:10 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Closing Remarks
Closing Remarks
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Santiago Miret 路 Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling 路 Jennifer Wei 路 Vineeth Venugopal 路 Marta Skreta 路 N M Anoop Krishnan 馃敆 |
A Bayesian Approach to Designing Microstructures and Processing Pathways for Tailored Material Properties ( Poster ) > link | Adam Generale 路 Conlain Kelly 路 Grayson Harrington 路 Andreas Robertson 路 Michael Buzzy 路 Surya Kalidindi 馃敆 |
Beyond Chemical Language: A Multimodal Approach to Enhance Molecular Property Prediction ( Poster ) > link | Eduardo Soares 路 Emilio Vital Brazil 路 Karen Fiorella Gutierrez 路 Renato Cerqueira 路 Daniel Sanders 路 Kristin Schmidt 路 Dmitry Zubarev 馃敆 |
Phonon predictions with E(3)-equivariant graph neural networks ( Poster ) > link | Shiang Fang 路 Mario Geiger 路 Joseph Checkelsky 路 Tess Smidt 馃敆 |
MTENCODER: A Multi-task Pretrained Transformer Encoder for Materials Representation Learning ( Poster ) > link | Thorben Prein 路 Elton Pan 路 Tom Doerr 路 Elsa Olivetti 路 Jennifer Rupp 馃敆 |
Data Efficient Training for Materials Property Prediction Using Active Learning Querying ( Poster ) > link | Carmelo Gonzales 路 Kin Long Kelvin Lee 路 Bin Mu 路 Michael Galkin 路 Santiago Miret 馃敆 |
Reconstructing Materials Tetrahedron: Challenges in Materials Information Extraction ( Poster ) > link | Kausik Hira 路 Mohd Zaki 路 Dhruvil Sheth 路 Mausam 路 N M Anoop Krishnan 馃敆 |
CoNO: Complex Neural Operator for Continuous Dynamical Systems ( Poster ) > link | Karn Tiwari 路 N M Anoop Krishnan 路 Prathosh AP 馃敆 |
Tokenizer Effect on Functional Material Prediction: Investigating Contextual Word Embeddings for Knowledge Discovery ( Poster ) > link | Tong Xie 路 Yuwei Wan 路 Ke Lu 路 Wenjie Zhang 路 Chunyu Kit 路 Bram Hoex 馃敆 |
On the importance of catalyst-adsorbate 3D interactions for relaxed energy predictions ( Poster ) > link | Alvaro Carbonero 路 ALEXANDRE DUVAL 路 Victor Schmidt 路 Santiago Miret 路 Alex Hernandez-Garcia 路 Yoshua Bengio 路 David Rolnick 馃敆 |
Out of Domain Stress Prediction on a Dataset of Simulated 3D Polycrystalline Microstructures ( Poster ) > link | Thomas Lu 路 Aarti Singh 馃敆 |
CURATOR: Autonomous Batch Active-Learning Workflow for Catalysts ( Poster ) > link | Xin Yang 路 Renata Sechi 路 Martin Petersen 路 Arghya Bhowmik 路 Heine A. Hansen 馃敆 |
Accurate Prediction of Experimental Band Gaps from Large Language Model-Based Data Extraction ( Poster ) > link | Samuel Yang 路 Shutong Li 路 Subhashini Venugopalan 路 Vahe Tshitoyan 路 Muratahan Aykol 路 Amil Merchant 路 Ekin Dogus Cubuk 路 Gowoon Cheon 馃敆 |
Self-supervised Crack Detection in X-ray Computed Tomography Data of Additive Manufacturing Parts ( Poster ) > link | Saber Nemati 路 Seyedeh Shaghayegh Rabbanian 路 Hao Wang 路 Leslie Butler 路 Shengmin Guo 馃敆 |
Active learning for excited states dynamics simulations to discover molecular degradation pathways ( Poster ) > link | Chen Zhou 路 Prashant Kumar 路 Daniel Escudero 路 Pascal Friederich 馃敆 |
Data Distillation for Neural Network Potentials toward Foundational Dataset ( Poster ) > link | Gang Seob Jung 路 Sangkeun Lee 路 Jong Choi 馃敆 |
Symbolic Learning for Material Discovery ( Poster ) > link | Daniel Cunnington 路 Flaviu Cipcigan 路 Rodrigo Neumann Barros Ferreira 路 Jonathan Booth 馃敆 |
Connectivity Optimized Nested Line Graph Networks for Crystal Structures ( Poster ) > link | Robin Ruff 路 Patrick Reiser 路 Jan St眉hmer 路 Pascal Friederich 馃敆 |
LLM Drug Discovery Challenge: A Contest as a Feasibility Study on the Utilization of Large Language Models in Medicinal Chemistry ( Poster ) > link | Kusuri Murakumo 路 Naruki Yoshikawa 路 Kentaro Rikimaru 路 Shogo Nakamura 路 Kairi Furui 路 Takamasa Suzuki 路 Hiroyuki Yamasaki 路 Yuki Nishigaya 路 Yuzo Takagi 路 Masahito Ohue 馃敆 |
Search Strategies for Self-driving Laboratories with Pending Experiments ( Poster ) > link | Hao Wen 路 Jakob Zeitler 路 Connor Rupnow 馃敆 |
Gotta be SAFE: A new Framework for Molecular Design ( Poster ) > link | Emmanuel Noutahi 路 Cristian Gabellini 路 Michael Craig 路 Jonathan Siu Chi Lim 路 Prudencio Tossou 馃敆 |
Eco-Comp: Towards Responsible Computing in Materials Science ( Poster ) > link | Sai S Lingampalli 路 El Tayeb Bentria 路 Fadwa El Mellouhi 馃敆 |
Hierarchical GFlowNet for Crystal Structure Generation ( Poster ) > link | Tri Nguyen 路 Sherif Abdulkader Tawfik Abbas 路 Truyen Tran 路 Sunil Gupta 路 Santu Rana 路 Svetha Venkatesh 馃敆 |
Demonstrating ChemGymRL: An Interactive Framework for Reinforcement Learning for Digital Chemistry ( Poster ) > link | Chris Beeler 路 Sriram Ganapathi 路 Colin Bellinger 路 Mark Crowley 路 Isaac Tamblyn 馃敆 |
MatKG-2: Unveiling precise material science ontology through autonomous committees of LLMs ( Poster ) > link | Vineeth Venugopal 路 Elsa Olivetti 馃敆 |
MOFDiff: Coarse-grained Diffusion for Metal-Organic Framework Design ( Poster ) > link | Xiang Fu 路 Tian Xie 路 Andrew Rosen 路 Tommi Jaakkola 路 Jake Smith 馃敆 |
Learning the Language of NMR: Structure Elucidation from NMR spectra using Transformer Models ( Poster ) > link | Marvin Alberts 路 Federico Zipoli 路 Alain C. Vaucher 馃敆 |
Impacts of Data and Models on Unsupervised Pre-training for Molecular Property Prediction ( Poster ) > link | Elizabeth Coda 路 Gihan Panapitiya 路 Emily Saldanha 馃敆 |
Automatic Generation of Mechanistic Pathways of Organic Reactions with Dual Templates ( Poster ) > link | SHU-AN CHEN 路 Ramil Babazade 路 Yousung Jung 馃敆 |
Learning Conditional Policies for Crystal Design Using Offline Reinforcement Learning ( Poster ) > link | Prashant Govindarajan 路 Santiago Miret 路 Jarrid Rector-Brooks 路 Mariano Phielipp 路 Janarthanan Rajendran 路 Sarath Chandar 馃敆 |
Understanding Experimental Data by Identifying Symmetries with Deep Learning ( Poster ) > link | Yichen Guo 路 Shuyu Qin 路 Joshua Agar 馃敆 |
Evaluating AI-guided Design for Scientific Discovery ( Poster ) > link | Michael Pekala 路 Elizabeth Pogue 路 Alexander New 路 Gregory Bassen 路 Janna Domenico 路 Tyrel McQueen 路 Christopher Stiles 馃敆 |
Multi-objective Evolutionary Design of Microstructures using Diffusion Autoencoders ( Poster ) > link | Anirudh Suresh 路 Devesh Shah 路 Alemayehu Solomon Admasu 路 Devesh Upadhyay 路 Kalyanmoy Deb 馃敆 |
High throughput decomposition of spectra ( Poster ) > link | Dumitru Mirauta 路 Vladimir Gusev 馃敆 |
Searching for High-Value Molecules Using Reinforcement Learning and Transformers ( Poster ) > link | Raj Ghugare 路 Santiago Miret 路 Adriana Hugessen 路 Mariano Phielipp 路 Glen Berseth 馃敆 |
AdsorbRL: Deep Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Inverse Catalysts Design ( Poster ) > link | Romain Lacombe 路 Khalid El-Awady 馃敆 |
AnisoGNN: physics-informed graph neural networks that generalize to anisotropic properties of polycrystals ( Poster ) > link | Guangyu Hu 路 Marat Latypov 馃敆 |
Automated Diffraction Pattern Analysis for Identifying Crystal Systems Using Multiview Opinion Fusion Machine Learning ( Poster ) > link | Jie Chen 路 Hengrui Zhang 路 Carolin Wahl 路 Wei Liu 路 Chad Mirkin 路 Vinayak Dravid 路 Daniel Apley 路 Wei Chen 馃敆 |
Haldane Bundles: A Dataset for Learning to Predict the Chern Number of Line Bundles on the Torus ( Poster ) > link | Cody Tipton 路 Elizabeth Coda 路 Davis Brown 路 Alyson Bittner 路 Caitlin Hutten 路 Grayson Jorgenson 路 Tegan Emerson 路 Henry Kvinge 馃敆 |
Rapid Fitting of Band-Excitation Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Using Physics Constrained Unsupervised Neural Networks ( Poster ) > link | Alibek T Kaliyev 路 Shuyu Qin 路 Yichen Guo 路 Seda Memik 路 Michael Mahoney 路 Amir Gholami 路 Nhan Tran 路 Martin Takac 路 Joshua Agar 馃敆 |
MHG-GNN: Combination of Molecular Hypergraph Grammar with Graph Neural Network ( Poster ) > link | Akihiro Kishimoto 路 Hiroshi Kajino 路 Hirose Masataka 路 Junta Fuchiwaki 路 Indra Priyadarsini S 路 Lisa Hamada 路 Hajime Shinohara 路 Daiju Nakano 路 Seiji Takeda 馃敆 |
Tree-based Quantile Active Learning for automated discovery of MOFs ( Poster ) > link | Ashna Jose 路 Emilie Devijver 路 Roberta Poloni 路 Val茅rie Monbet 路 Noel Jakse 馃敆 |
CLCS : Contrastive Learning between Compositions and Structures for practical Li-ion battery electrodes design ( Poster ) > link | Jaewan Lee 路 Changyoung Park 路 Hongjun Yang 路 Sehui Han 路 Woohyung Lim 馃敆 |
Combinatorial Optimization via Memory Metropolis: Template Networks for Proposal Distributions in Simulated Annealing applied to Nanophotonic Inverse Design ( Poster ) > link | Marlon Becker 路 Marco Butz 路 David Lemli 路 Carsten Schuck 路 Benjamin Risse 馃敆 |
Multi-modal Foundation Model for Material Design ( Poster ) > link | Seiji Takeda 路 Indra Priyadarsini S 路 Akihiro Kishimoto 路 Hajime Shinohara 路 Lisa Hamada 路 Hirose Masataka 路 Junta Fuchiwaki 路 Daiju Nakano 馃敆 |
Inverse-design of organometallic catalysts with guided equivariant diffusion ( Poster ) > link | Fran莽ois Cornet 路 Bardi Benediktsson 路 Bjarke Hastrup 路 Arghya Bhowmik 路 Mikkel Schmidt 馃敆 |
Latent Conservative Objective Models for Data-Driven Crystal Structure Prediction ( Poster ) > link | Han Qi 路 Stefano Rando 路 XINYANG GENG 路 Iku Ohama 路 Aviral Kumar 路 Sergey Levine 馃敆 |
Towards equilibrium molecular conformation generation with GFlowNets ( Poster ) > link | Alexandra Volokhova 路 Micha艂 Koziarski 路 Alex Hernandez-Garcia 路 Chenghao Liu 路 Santiago Miret 路 Pablo Lemos 路 Luca Thiede 路 Zichao Yan 路 Alan Aspuru-Guzik 路 Yoshua Bengio 馃敆 |
Extremely Noisy 4D-TEM Strain Mapping Using Cycle Consistent Spatial Transforming Autoencoders ( Poster ) > link | Shuyu Qin 路 Joshua Agar 路 Nhan Tran 馃敆 |
A Generative Model for Accelerated Inverse Modelling Using a Novel Embedding for Continuous Variables ( Poster ) > link | S茅bastien Bompas 路 Stefan Sandfeld 馃敆 |
Active Causal Machine Learning for Molecular Property Prediction ( Poster ) > link | Zachary Fox 路 Ayana Ghosh 馃敆 |
rvesimulator: An automated representative volume element simulator for data-driven material discovery ( Poster ) > link | Jiaxiang Yi 路 Miguel Bessa 馃敆 |
Unveiling the Secrets of H-NMR Spectroscopy: A Novel Approach Utilizing Attention Mechanisms ( Poster ) > link | Oliver Schilter 路 Marvin Alberts 路 Federico Zipoli 路 Philippe Schwaller 路 Alain C. Vaucher 路 Teodoro Laino 馃敆 |
Distributed Reinforcement Learning for Molecular Design: Antioxidant case ( Poster ) > link | Huanyi Qin 路 Denis Akhiyarov 路 Kenneth Chiu 路 Mauricio Araya-Polo 馃敆 |
Accelerated Modelling of Interfaces for Electronic Devices using Graph Neural Networks ( Poster ) > link | Pratik Brahma 路 Krishnakumar Bhattaram 路 Sayeef Salahuddin 馃敆 |
Extracting a Database of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies for Sodium-ion Battery Development ( Poster ) > link | Mrigi Munjal 路 Thorben Prein 路 Vineeth Venugopal 路 Kevin Huang 路 Elsa Olivetti 馃敆 |
Deep inverse design of hydrophobic patches on DNA origami for mesoscale assembly of superlattices ( Poster ) > link | Po-An Lin 路 Simiao Ren 路 Jonathan Piland 路 Leslie Collins 路 Stefan Zauscher 路 Yonggang Ke 路 Gaurav Arya 馃敆 |
CoDBench: A Critical Evaluation of Data-driven Models for Continuous Dynamical Systems ( Poster ) > link | Priyanshu Burark 路 Karn Tiwari 路 Meer Mehran Rashid 路 Prathosh AP 路 N M Anoop Krishnan 馃敆 |
BroGNet: Momentum-Conserving Graph Neural Stochastic Differential Equation for Learning Brownian Dynamics ( Poster ) > link | Suresh Bishnoi 路 Jayadeva Dr 路 Sayan Ranu 路 N M Anoop Krishnan 馃敆 |