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Spotlight Poster

ResAD: A Simple Framework for Class Generalizable Anomaly Detection

Xincheng Yao · Zixin Chen · Chao Gao · Guangtao Zhai · Chongyang Zhang

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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


This paper explores the problem of class-generalizable anomaly detection, where the objective is to train one unified AD model that can generalize to detect anomalies in diverse classes from different domains without any retraining or fine-tuning on the target data. Because normal feature representations vary significantly across classes, this will cause the widely studied one-for-one AD models to be poorly class-generalizable (i.e., performance drops dramatically when used for new classes). In this work, we propose a simple but effective framework (called ResAD) that can be directly applied to detect anomalies in new classes. Our main insight is to learn the residual feature distribution rather than the initial feature distribution. In this way, we can significantly reduce feature variations. Even in new classes, the distribution of normal residual features would not remarkably shift from the learned distribution. Therefore, the learned model can be directly adapted to new classes. ResAD consists of three components: (1) a Feature Converter that converts initial features into residual features; (2) a simple and shallow Feature Constraintor that constrains normal residual features into a spatial hypersphere for further reducing feature variations and maintaining consistency in feature scales among different classes; (3) a Feature Distribution Estimator that estimates the normal residual feature distribution, anomalies can be recognized as out-of-distribution. Despite the simplicity, ResAD can achieve remarkable anomaly detection results when directly used in new classes. Code will be available online.

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