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FedNE: Surrogate-Assisted Federated Neighbor Embedding for Privacy-Preserving Dimensionality Reduction

Ziwei Li · Xiaoqi Wang · Hong-You Chen · Han Wei Shen · Wei-Lun (Harry) Chao


Federated learning (FL) has rapidly evolved as a promising paradigm that enables collaborative model training across distributed participants while ensuring the privacy of each data source. Despite its broad applications in fields such as computer vision, graph learning, and natural language processing, the development of a data projection model that can be effectively used to visualize data in the context of FL is crucial yet remains heavily under-explored. Neighbor embedding (NE) is an essential technique for visualizing complex high-dimensional data, but collaboratively learning a joint NE model is difficult. The key challenge lies in the objective function, as effective visualization algorithms like NE require computing loss functions among pairs of data. In this paper, we introduce FedNE, a novel approach that integrates the FedAvg framework with the contrastive NE technique, without any requirements of shareable data. To address the lack of inter-client repulsion which is crucial for the alignment in the global embedding space, we develop a surrogate loss function that each client learns and shares with each other. Additionally, we propose a data-mixing strategy to augment the local data, aiming to relax the problems of invisible neighbors and false neighbors constructed by the local kNN graphs. We conduct comprehensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The results demonstrate that our FedNE can effectively preserve the neighborhood data structures and enhance the alignment in the global embedding space compared to several baseline methods.

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