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Skinned Motion Retargeting with Dense Geometric Interaction Perception

Zijie Ye · Jia-Wei Liu · Shikun Sun · Jia Jia · Mike Zheng Shou


Capturing and maintaining geometric interactions among different body parts is crucial for successful motion retargeting in skinned characters. Existing approaches often overlook body geometries or add a geometry correction stage after skeletal motion retargeting. This results in conflicts between skeleton interaction and geometry correction, leading to issues such as jittery, interpenetration, and contact mismatches. To address these challenges, we introduce a new retargeting framework, \textit{MeshRet}, which directly models the dense geometric interactions in motion retargeting. Initially, we establish dense mesh correspondences between characters using semantically consistent sensors (SCS), effective across diverse mesh topologies. Subsequently, we develop a novel spatio-temporal representation called the dense mesh interaction (DMI) field. This field, a collection of interacting SCS feature vectors, skillfully captures both contact and non-contact interactions between body geometries. By aligning the DMI field during retargeting, \textit{MeshRet} not only preserves motion semantics but also prevents self-interpenetration and ensures contact preservation. Extensive experiments on the public Mixamo dataset and our newly-collected \textit{ScanRet} dataset demonstrate that \textit{MeshRet} achieves state-of-the-art performance.

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