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Drago: Primal-Dual Coupled Variance Reduction for Faster Distributionally Robust Optimization

Ronak Mehta · Jelena Diakonikolas · Zaid Harchaoui

Abstract: We consider the penalized distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problem with a closed, convex uncertainty set, a setting that encompasses learning using $f$-DRO and spectral/$L$-risk minimization. We present Drago, a stochastic primal-dual algorithm which combines cyclic and randomized components with a carefully regularized primal update to achieve dual variance reduction. Owing to its design, Drago enjoys a state-of-the-art linear convergence rate on strongly convex-strongly concave DRO problems witha fine-grained dependency on primal and dual condition numbers. The theoretical results are supported with numerical benchmarks on regression and classification tasks.

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