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UPS: Unified Projection Sharing for Lightweight Single-Image Super-resolution and Beyond

Kun Zhou · Xinyu Lin · Zhonghang LIU · Xiaoguang Han · Jiangbo Lu


To date, transformer-based frameworks have demonstrated impressive results in single-image super-resolution (SISR). However, under practical lightweight scenarios, the complex interaction of deep image feature extraction and similarity modeling limits the performance of these methods, since they require simultaneous layer-specific optimization of both two tasks. In this work, we introduce a novel Unified Projection Sharing algorithm(UPS) to decouple the feature extraction and similarity modeling, achieving notable performance. To do this, we establish a unified projection space defined by a learnable projection matrix, for similarity calculation across all self-attention layers. As a result, deep image feature extraction remains a per-layer optimization manner, while similarity modeling is carried out by projecting these image features onto the shared projection space. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed UPS achieves state-of-the-art performance relative to leading lightweight SISR methods, as verified by various popular benchmarks. Moreover, our unified optimized projection space exhibits encouraging robustness performance for unseen data (degraded and depth images). Lastly, lightweight UPS also shows promising results for more image restoration tasks.

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