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Algorithmic Capabilities of Random Transformers

Ziqian Zhong · Jacob Andreas


Trained transformer models have been found to implement interpretable procedures for tasks like arithmetic and associative recall, but little is understood about how the circuits that implement these procedures originate during training. To what extent do they depend on the supervisory signal provided to models, and to what extent are they attributable to behavior already present in models at the beginning of training? To investigate these questions, we investigate what functions can be learned by randomly initialized transformers in which only the embedding layers are optimized, so that the only input--output mappings learnable from data are those already implemented (up to a choice of encoding scheme) by the randomly initialized model. We find that these random transformers can perform a wide range of meaningful algorithmic tasks, including modular arithmetic, in-weights and in-context associative recall, decimal addition, parenthesis balancing, and even some aspects of natural language text generation. Our results indicate that some algorithmic capabilities are present in transformers (and accessible via appropriately structured inputs) even before these models are trained.

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