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Polynomial-Time Computation of Exact $\Phi$-Equilibria in Polyhedral Games

Gabriele Farina · Charilaos Pipis

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Wed 11 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST

Abstract: It is a well-known fact that correlated equilibria can be computed in polynomial time in a large class of concisely represented games using the celebrated Ellipsoid Against Hope algorithm \citep{Papadimitriou2008:Computing, Jiang2015:Polynomial}. However, the landscape of efficiently computable equilibria in sequential (extensive-form) games remains unknown. The Ellipsoid Against Hope does not apply directly to these games, because they do not have the required ``polynomial type'' property. Despite this barrier, \citet{Huang2008:Computing} altered the algorithm to compute exact extensive-form correlated equilibria.In this paper, we generalize the Ellipsoid Against Hope and develop a simple algorithmic framework for efficiently computing saddle-points in bilinear zero-sum games, even when one of the dimensions is exponentially large. Moreover, the framework only requires a ``good-enough-response'' oracle, which is a weakened notion of a best-response oracle.Using this machinery, we develop a general algorithmic framework for computing exact linear $\Phi$-equilibria in any polyhedral game (under mild assumptions), including correlated equilibria in normal-form games, and extensive-form correlated equilibria in extensive-form games. This enables us to give the first polynomial-time algorithm for computing exact linear-deviation correlated equilibria in extensive-form games, thus resolving an open question by \citet{Farina2023:Polynomial}. Furthermore, even for the cases for which a polynomial time algorithm for exact equilibria was already known, our framework provides a conceptually simpler solution.

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