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Higher-Rank Irreducible Cartesian Tensors for Equivariant Message Passing

Viktor Zaverkin · Francesco Alesiani · Takashi Maruyama · Federico Errica · Henrik Christiansen · Makoto Takamoto · Nicolas Weber · Mathias Niepert


The ability to perform fast and accurate atomistic simulations is crucial for advancing the chemical sciences. By learning from high-quality data, machine-learned interatomic potentials achieve accuracy on par with ab initio and first-principles methods at a fraction of their computational cost. The success of machine-learned interatomic potentials arises from integrating inductive biases such as equivariance to group actions on an atomic system, e.g., equivariance to rotations and reflections. In particular, the field has notably advanced with the emergence of equivariant message-passing architectures. Most of these models represent an atomic system using spherical tensors, tensor products of which require complicated numerical coefficients and can be computationally demanding. This work introduces higher-rank irreducible Cartesian tensors as an alternative to spherical tensors, addressing the above limitations. We integrate irreducible Cartesian tensor products into message-passing neural networks and prove the equivariance of the resulting layers. Through empirical evaluations on various benchmark data sets, we consistently observe on-par or better performance than that of state-of-the-art spherical models.

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