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Soft Superpixel Neighborhood Attention

Kent W Gauen · Stanley Chan

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Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


Images contain objects with deformable boundaries, such as the contours of a human face, yet attention operators act on square windows. This mixes features from perceptually unrelated regions, which can degrade the quality of a denoiser. One can exclude pixels using an estimate of perceptual groupings, such as superpixels, but the naive use of superpixels can be theoretically and empirically worse than standard attention. Using superpixel probabilities rather than superpixel assignments, this paper proposes soft superpixel neighborhood attention (SNA), which interpolates between the existing neighborhood attention and the naive superpixel neighborhood attention. This paper presents theoretical results showing SNA is the optimal denoiser under a latent superpixel model. SNA outperforms alternative local attention modules on image denoising, and we compare the superpixels learned from denoising with those learned with supervision.

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