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Learn more, but bother less: parameter efficient continual learning

Fuli Qiao · Mehrdad Mahdavi


Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated profound capabilities due to their extensive pre-training on diverse corpora. However, LLMs often struggle with catastrophic forgetting when engaged in sequential task learning. In this paper, we propose a novel parameter-efficient approach for continual learning in LLMs, which empirically investigates knowledge transfer from previously learned tasks to new tasks through low-rank matrix parameters, enhancing the learning of new tasks without significant interference. Our method employs sensitivity-based analysis of low-rank matrix parameters to identify knowledge-specific parameters between sequential tasks, which are used to initialize the low-rank matrix parameters in new tasks. To maintain orthogonality and minimize forgetting, we further involve the gradient projection technique that keeps the low-rank subspaces of each new task orthogonal to those of previous tasks. Our experimental results on continual learning benchmarks validate the efficacy of our proposed method, which outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in reducing forgetting, enhancing task performance, and preserving the model's ability to generalize to unseen tasks.

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