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SafeWorld: Geo-Diverse Safety Alignment

Da Yin · Haoyi Qiu · Kung-Hsiang Huang · Kai-Wei Chang · Nanyun Peng


In the rapidly evolving field of Large Language Models (LLMs), ensuring safety is a crucial and widely discussed topic. However, existing works often overlooks the geo-diversity of cultural and legal standards across the world. To reveal the chal5 lenges posed by geo-diverse safety standards, we introduce SafeWorld, a novel benchmark specifically designed to evaluate LLMs’ ability to generate responses that are not only helpful but also culturally sensitive and legally compliant across diverse global contexts. SafeWorld encompasses 2,775 test user queries, each grounded in high-quality, human-verified cultural norms and legal policies from 50 countries and 493 regions/races. On top of it, we propose a multi-dimensional automatic safety evaluation framework that assesses the contextual appropriateness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of responses. Our evaluations reveal that current LLMs struggle to meet these criteria effectively. To enhance LLMs’ alignment with geo-diverse safety standards, we synthesize helpful preference pairs for Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) alignment. The preference pair construction aims to encourage LLMs to behave appropriately and provide precise references to relevant cultural norms and policies when necessary. Our trained SafeWorldLM outperforms all competing models, including GPT-4o on all the three evaluation dimensions by a large margin. Global human evaluators also note a nearly 20% higher winning rate in helpfulness and harmfulness evaluation.

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