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Image Understanding Makes for A Good Tokenizer for Image Generation

Luting Wang · Yang Zhao · Zijian Zhang · Jiashi Feng · Si Liu · Bingyi Kang


Modern image generation (IG) models have been shown to capture rich semantics valuable for image understanding (IU) tasks. However, the potential of IU models to improve IG performance remains uncharted. We address this issue using a token-based IG framework, which relies on effective tokenizers to project images into token sequences. Currently, pixel reconstruction (e.g., VQGAN) dominates the training objective for image tokenizers. In contrast, our approach adopts the feature reconstruction objective, where tokenizers are trained by distilling knowledge from pretrained IU encoders. Comprehensive comparisons indicate that tokenizers with strong IU capabilities achieve superior IG performance across a variety of metrics, datasets, tasks, and proposal networks. Notably, VQ-KD ViT achieves 7.82 FID and 130.41 IS on ImageNet-1K (IN-1K). Visualization suggests that the superiority of VQ-KD can be partly attributed to the rich semantics within the VQ-KD codebook. We further introduce a straightforward pipeline to directly transform IU encoders into tokenizers, demonstrating exceptional effectiveness for IG tasks. These discoveries may energize further exploration into image tokenizer research and inspire the community to reassess the relationship between IU and IG. The code is available in the supplemental materials.

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