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Task-Agnostic Machine Learning-Assisted Inference

Jiacheng Miao · Qiongshi Lu


Machine learning (ML) is playing an increasingly important role in scientific research. In conjunction with classical statistical approaches, ML-assisted analytical strategies have shown great promises in accelerating research findings. This has also opened up a whole field of methodological research focusing on integrative approaches that leverage both ML and statistics to tackle data science challenges. One type of study that has quickly gained popularity employs ML to predict unobserved outcomes in massive samples, and then uses predicted outcomes in downstream statistical inference. However, existing methods designed to ensure validity of this type of post-prediction inference are limited to very basic tasks such as linear regression analysis. This is because any extension of these approaches to new, more sophisticated statistical tasks requires task-specific algebraic derivations and software implementations, which ignores the massive library of existing software tools already developed for complex inference tasks and severely constraints the scope of post-prediction inference in real applications. To address this challenge, we propose a novel statistical framework for task-agnostic ML-assisted inference. It provides a post-prediction inference solution that can be easily plugged into almost any established data analysis routine. It delivers valid and efficient inference that is robust to arbitrary choices of ML model, while allowing nearly all existing analytical frameworks to be incorporated into analysis of ML-predicted outcomes. Through extensive experiments, we showcase the validity, versatility, and superiority of our method compared to existing approaches.

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