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Multimodal Conformal Prediction in Dynamic Environments

Erfan Hajihashemi · Yanning Shen

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Wed 11 Dec 11 a.m. PST — 2 p.m. PST


Conformal prediction is an uncertainty quantification method that constructs a prediction set for a previously unseen datum, ensuring the true label is included with a predetermined coverage probability. Adaptive conformal prediction has been developed to address data distribution shifts in dynamic environments. However, the efficiency of prediction sets varies depending on the learning model used. Employing a single fixed model may not consistently offer the best performance in dynamic environments with unknown data distribution shifts. To address this issue, we introduce a novel adaptive conformal prediction framework, where the model used for creating prediction sets is selected ‘on the fly’ from multiple candidate models. The proposed algorithm is proven to achieve strongly adaptive regret over all intervals while maintaining valid coverage. Experiments on both real and synthetic datasets corroborate that the proposed approach consistently yields more efficient prediction sets while maintaining valid coverage, outperforming alternative methods.

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