ChatTracker: Enhancing Visual Tracking Performance via Chatting with Multimodal Large Language Model
Yiming Sun · Fan Yu · Shaoxiang Chen · Yu Zhang · Junwei Huang · Yang Li · Chenhui Li · Changbo Wang
East Exhibit Hall A-C #1809
Visual object tracking aims to locate a targeted object in a video sequence based on an initial bounding box. Recently, Vision-Language~(VL) trackers have proposed to utilize additional natural language descriptions to enhance versatility in various applications. However, VL trackers are still inferior to State-of-The-Art (SoTA) visual trackers in terms of tracking performance. We found that this inferiority primarily results from their heavy reliance on manual textual annotations, which include the frequent provision of ambiguous language descriptions. In this paper, we propose ChatTracker to leverage the wealth of world knowledge in the Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) to generate high-quality language descriptions and enhance tracking performance. To this end, we propose a novel reflection-based prompt optimization module to iteratively refine the ambiguous and inaccurate descriptions of the target with tracking feedback. To further utilize semantic information produced by MLLM, a simple yet effective VL tracking framework is proposed and can be easily integrated as a plug-and-play module to boost the performance of both VL and visual trackers. Experimental results show that our proposed ChatTracker achieves a performance comparable to existing methods.
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