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OmniTokenizer: A Joint Image-Video Tokenizer for Visual Generation

Junke Wang · Yi Jiang · Zehuan Yuan · BINGYUE PENG · Zuxuan Wu · Yu-Gang Jiang


Tokenizer, serving as a translator to map the intricate visual data into a compact latent space, lies at the core of visual generative models. Based on the finding that existing tokenizers are tailored to either image or video inputs, this paper presents OmniTokenizer, a transformer-based tokenizer for joint image and video tokenization. OmniTokenizer is designed with a spatial-temporal decoupled architecture, which integrates window attention and causal attention for spatial and temporal modeling, respectively. To exploit the complementary nature of image and video data, we further propose a progressive training strategy, where OmniTokenizer is first trained on image data on a fixed resolution to develop the spatial encoding capacity and then jointly trained on image and video data on multiple resolutions to learn the temporal dynamics. OmniTokenizer, for the first time, handles both image and video inputs within a unified framework and proves the possibility of realizing their synergy. Extensive experiments demonstrate that OmniTokenizer achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) reconstruction performance on various image and video datasets, e.g., 1.11 reconstruction FID on ImageNet and 42 reconstruction FVD on UCF-101, beating the previous SOTA methods by 13% and 26%, respectively. Additionally, we also show that when integrated with OmniTokenizer, both language model-based approaches and diffusion models can realize advanced visual synthesis performance, underscoring the superiority and versatility of our method.

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