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BehaviorGPT: Smart Agent Simulation for Autonomous Driving with Next-Patch Prediction

Zikang Zhou · HU Haibo · Xinhong Chen · Jianping Wang · Nan Guan · Kui Wu · Yung-Hui Li · Yu-Kai Huang · Chun Jason Xue


Simulating realistic interactions among traffic agents is crucial for efficiently validating the safety of autonomous driving systems. Existing leading simulators primarily use an encoder-decoder structure to encode the historical trajectories for future simulation. However, such a paradigm complicates the model architecture, and the manual separation of history and future trajectories leads to low data utilization. To address these challenges, we propose Behavior Generative Pre-trained Transformers (BehaviorGPT), a decoder-only, autoregressive architecture designed to simulate the sequential motion of multiple agents. Crucially, our approach discards the traditional separation between "history" and "future," treating each time step as the "current" one, resulting in a simpler, more parameter- and data-efficient design that scales seamlessly with data and computation. Additionally, we introduce the Next-Patch Prediction Paradigm (NP3), which enables models to reason at the patch level of trajectories and capture long-range spatial-temporal interactions. BehaviorGPT ranks first across several metrics on the Waymo Sim Agents Benchmark, demonstrating its exceptional performance in multi-agent and agent-map interactions. We outperformed state-of-the-art models with a realism score of 0.741 and improved the minADE metric to 1.540, with an approximately 91.6% reduction in model parameters.

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