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Exploring and Exploiting the Asymmetric Valley of Deep Neural Networks

Xin-Chun Li · Jin-Lin Tang · Bo Zhang · Lan Li · De-Chuan Zhan

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Fri 13 Dec 4:30 p.m. PST — 7:30 p.m. PST


Exploring the loss landscape offers insights into the inherent principles of deep neural networks (DNNs). Recent work suggests an additional asymmetry of the valley beyond the flat and sharp ones, yet without thoroughly examining its causes or implications. Our study methodically explores the factors affecting the symmetry of DNN valleys, encompassing (1) the dataset, network architecture, initialization, and hyperparameters that influence the convergence point; and (2) the magnitude and direction of the noise for 1D visualization. Our major observation shows that the {\it degree of sign consistency} between the noise and the convergence point is a critical indicator of valley symmetry. Theoretical insights from the aspects of ReLU activation and softmax function could explain the interesting phenomenon. Our discovery propels novel understanding and applications in the scenario of Model Fusion: (1) the efficacy of interpolating separate models significantly correlates with their sign consistency ratio, and (2) imposing sign alignment during federated learning emerges as an innovative approach for model parameter alignment.

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