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Differentiable Structure Learning with Partial Orders

Taiyu Ban · Lyuzhou Chen · Xiangyu Wang · Xin Wang · Derui Lyu · Huanhuan Chen


Differentiable structure learning is a novel line of causal discovery research that transforms the combinatorial optimization of structural models into a continuous optimization problem. However, the field has lacked feasible methods to integrate partial order constraints, a critical prior information typically used in real-world scenarios, into the differentiable structure learning framework. The main difficulty lies in adapting these constraints, typically suited for the space of total orderings, to the continuous optimization context of structure learning in the graph space. To bridge this gap, this paper formalizes a set of equivalent constraints that map partial orders onto graph spaces and introduces a plug-and-play module for their efficient application. This module preserves the equivalent effect of partial order constraints in the graph space, backed by theoretical validations of correctness and completeness. It significantly enhances the quality of recovered structures while maintaining good efficiency, which learns better structures using 90\% fewer samples than the data-based method on a real-world dataset. This result, together with a comprehensive evaluation on synthetic cases, demonstrates our method's ability to effectively improve differentiable structure learning with partial orders.

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