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Motion Graph Unleashed: A Novel Approach to Video Prediction

Yiqi Zhong · Luming Liang · Bohan Tang · Ilya Zharkov · Ulrich Neumann


We introduce motion graph, a novel approach to address the video prediction problem, i.e., predicting future video frames from limited past data. The motion graph transforms patches of video frames into interconnected graph nodes, to comprehensively describe the spatial-temporal relationships among them. This representation overcomes the limitations of existing motion representations such as image differences, optical flow, and motion matrix that either fall short in capturing complex motion patterns or suffer from excessive memory consumption. We further present a video prediction pipeline empowered by motion graph, exhibiting substantial performance improvements and cost reductions. Extensive experiments on various datasets, including UCF Sports, KITTI and Cityscapes, highlight the strong representative ability of motion graph. Especially on UCF Sports, our method matches and outperforms the SOTA methods with a significant reduction in model size by 78% and a substantial decrease in GPU memory utilization by 47%.

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