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Lexicon3D: Probing Visual Encoding Models for Complex 3D Scene Understanding

Yunze Man · Shuhong Zheng · Zhipeng Bao · Martial Hebert · Liangyan Gui · Yu-Xiong Wang


Complex 3D scene understanding has gained increasing attention, with scene encoding strategy playing a crucial role in its success. However, the optimal scene encoding strategies for various scenarios remain unclear, particularly compared to their image-based counterparts. To address this issue, we present a comprehensive study that probes various visual encoding models for 3D scene understanding, identifying the strengths and limitations of each model across different scenarios. Our evaluation spans seven vision foundation encoders, including image-based, video-based, and 3D foundation models. We assess these models across four tasks: Vision-Language Scene Reasoning, Visual Grounding, Segmentation, and Registration, each focusing on different aspects of scene understanding. Our evaluations yield key findings: DINOv2 demonstrates superior performance, video models excel in object-level tasks, diffusion models benefit geometric tasks, and language-pretrained models show unexpected limitations in language-related tasks. These insights challenge some conventional understandings, provide novel perspectives on leveraging visual foundation models, and highlight the need for more flexible encoder selection in future vision-language and scene-understanding tasks.

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